Povećanje minimalne cene rada biće praćeno rasterećenjem privrede kroz povećanje neoporezivog dela zarade sa 19.300 na 21.712 dinara, odnosno rast od 12,5% kao i smanjenjem doprinosa za penzijsko-invalidsko osiguranje na teret poslodavca za 1%, što predstavlja nesumnjiv uspeh svih nas koji se borimo za bolji privredni ambijent.
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the increase in the minimum wage will be accompanied by the relief of the economy through the increase of the non-taxable part from 19,300 to 21,712 dinars, as well as the reduction of payroll contribution for the Pension and Disability Insurance at the expense of the employer by 1%.
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The new logistics center is equipped with the most sophisticated technology for managing warehouse operations, and the use of renewable energy sources has been set as one of the priorities. Transfera currently has more than 800 customs operations on a daily basis, and within the logistics center over 300 customs operations are carried out daily.
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Novi logistički centar je opremljen najsofisticiranijom tehnologijom za upravljanje skladišnim operacijama, a kao jedan od prioriteta postavljeno je korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije. Transfera trenutno ima više od 800 carinskih operacija na dnevnom nivou, a u okviru logističkog centra realizuje se preko 300 carinskih operacija dnevno.
Continue readingGodišnji sastanak članica IOE iz Evrope i Centralne Azije
Međunarodna organizacija poslodavaca (IOE) osnovana je 1920. godine i to je jedina organizacija koja predstavlja interese poslodavaca u oblasti radno-socijalnih pitanja na međunarodnom nivou. Danas je u njenom članstvu 150 nacionalnih udruženja poslodavaca. Unija poslodavaca Srbije je postala punopravan član IOE-a 2006. godine, nakon što je Republika Srbija stekla status suverene države.
Continue readingAnnual meeting of IOE members from Europe and Central Asia
The International Organization of Employers (IOE) was founded in 1920 and is the only organization that represents the interests of employers in the field of labor and social issues at the international level. Today, its membership includes 150 national employers’ associations. The Serbian Association of Employers became a full member of the IOE in 2006, after the Republic of Serbia acquired the status of a sovereign state.
Continue readingB7 konferencija o izveštavanju o održivom razvoju
Učesnici konferencije su se složili i oko toga da se prilikom definisanja globalne osnove za izveštavanje u obzir moraju uzeti i mogućnosti rastućih ekonomija i lokalne specifičnosti koje otežavaju definisanje jedinstvenog pristupa. Proces svakako zahteva široke konsultacije na globalnom nivou, ali se ne sme izgubiti iz vida osnovna zamisao – da cilj nije izveštavanje samo po sebi, već da pomogne kompanijama da poboljšaju poslovanje.
Continue readingThe B7 Conference on Sustainability Reporting
The participants of the Conference also agreed that when defining the global basis for reporting, the possibilities of growing economies and local specificities that make it difficult to define a unique approach must be taken into account. The process certainly requires broad consultation at a global level, but one must not lose sight of the basic idea – that the goal is not reporting per se, but helping companies improve their operations. So it’s not about who has the best report, but who makes the most progress. Such companies will be the most attractive to investors, business partners and clients.
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