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Employers’ application for dual education (vocational education) programme must be made by the end of January 2021

Reform of the education system and promotion of the business environment is high on the agenda of the Serbian Association of Employers, and the reason for our participation in creating

General Council of the IOE on the new reality and economic recovery

The President of Serbian Association of Employers sent congratulations to the IOE on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its existence and successful operation, referring to the work of
Unija poslodavaca Srbije

Measures to help the serbian economy – 5 proposals of Serbian Association of Employers to the RS Government

"Serbian Association of Employers and the Chamber of Commerce support the Government's efforts to help companies and individuals overcome the crisis. It is necessary to find a balance between protecting

For a better business environment in Serbia – 14th session of the sae presidency

Strengthening the sectors, increasing the number of members, more intensive cooperation with social partners and international organizations, all with the aim of creating a better business environment in the Republic

Serbian Association of Employers at AICESIS conference

President of the Serbian Association of Employers Milos Nenezic, was elected a member of the Board at the meeting of this body in October 2019.
minimalna cena rada 2021 Vlada Srbije - tanjug - Unija poslodavaca Srbije

Compromise is realistic, additional measures needed

The minimum price of labor in 2021 will be 6.6% higher. The important news for employers is that, reciprocally to increasing the minimum price of labor, the non-taxable part of

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Enterprises in Serbia: SAE Survey

This is one of the findings of the survey conducted by the Serbian Association of Employers (SAE), with the technical support of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and in partnership

The year of solidarity and cooperation

The Government of the Republic of Serbia has declared 2020Continue reading
Unija poslodavaca Srbije

How to overcome the economic crisis – the Serbian Association of Employers and the ILO offer a path to solutions

Dear employers,Aware of the unprecedented situation in the country andContinue reading