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Signed Memorandum on Cooperation between the Serbian Association of Employers and the Belgrade Open School

The Serbian Association of Employers and the Belgrade Open School signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and announced more intensive work on joint project

Cooperation between the Association and the Rotary community – from the local to the national level

The Serbian Association of Employers and Rotary District 2483 announced a closer, more active and meaningful cooperation.

The Draft Law on Occupational Safety and Health supported

The Social and Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia gave a positive opinion on the text of the Draft Law on Occupational Safety and Health at the 114th regular session of the SEC.

How to invoice membership fees in accordance with the Law on Electronic Invoicing

The obligation to issue and store electronic invoices in transactions between private sector entities will come into effect on January 1, 2023.

New legal obligation for German companies and their suppliers

The Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG), will come into force on January 1, 2023

Belgrade hosts the Board of AICESIS – The International Association of Economic and Social Councils and similar institutions

Serbia, i.e. the Social and Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia, was elected as a full member in 2018, at the session of the General Assembly held in Paris. The President of the Serbian Association of Employers, Mr Miloš Nenezić, was elected as a member of the Board at the 2019 session of this body in Bucharest.

Serbian Association of Employers at the meeting of the Council of Presidents of BusinessEurope (COPRES) in Stockholm

The meeting was hosted by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Svenskt Näringsliv, given that Sweden will hold the Presidency of the European Union from January 2023.

A delegation of the Federation of Austrian Industries visited the Serbian Association of Employers

A delegation of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) visited the Serbian Association of Employers (SAE), accompanied by the Ambassador of Austria in Belgrade, His Excellency, Mr Christian Ebner.

Mr Miloš Nenezić the most successful businessman in the Republic of Serbia

LAWLife for Law and Economy Portal awarded Mr Miloš Nenezić the award for the most successful businessman in the Republic of Serbia.