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Selected news

Serbian Association of Employers visits primary schools

The students of the seventh and eighth grades were involved in discussion, along with the participation of entrepreneurs as representatives of the economy, about the choice of occupation, difference between occupation and career, practical application of theoretical knowledge acquired during schooling and concept of lifelong learning.

The final conference of the project “Education for Sustainable Development”

Discussion on the legal framework of career guidance in Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, process challenges, and proposals for positive changes

Linking theoretical and practical knowledge is key to raising awareness of the potential that children have

During a highly interactive discussion, it was emphasized that primary schools devote significant attention to the professional orientation of students.

Roundtable “Effective career guidance in primary schools”

The roundtable provided an opportunity for an open discussion about challenges and opportunities in professional orientation in primary schools.

Delegation of SEC of the Republic of Serbia at the Summit in Thessaloniki

The goal of the Summit is the development of institutional cooperation with partners, and the deepening of regional and social cooperation with neighboring regions.

Returning the tax credit – the way to new investments

The proposed change would have a positive impact on new investments, mostly in micro, small and medium-sized companies, because they could more easily modernize equipment and fixed assets in their companies.

Necessary deadline for adaptation of employers to a complete ban on smoking

The majority of surveyed employers see a period of one year as the optimal deadline for the implementation of new legal solutions.

Visit to Montenegro Embassy in Belgrade

Representatives of the Serbian Association of Employers led by President Miloš Nenezić visited the Embassy of Montenegro in Belgrade.

The best solution for regulating work practice

One of the most significant initiatives of the Serbian Association of Employers relates to the comprehensive reform of the education system, but equally important is the regulation of work practice