An international digital conference was held on May 20, 2020, organized by the International Organization of Employers (IOE) and supported by the International Labor Organization (ILO), on how employers, the private sector and their associations, in cooperation with the United Nations, can achieve better cooperation in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and overcome the crisis caused by the virus COVID-19.
Over the years, socially responsible companies have taken on an increasingly important social role, which goes beyond the established business framework, business results and success. The success of companies today is measured by the care of employees, activities in the field of environmental protection, improvement of the local environment and overall contribution to the community, which they often implement in cooperation with civil society organizations.
How to improve, intensify and focus this cooperation on more efficient achievement of the goals of the 2030 Agenda – was the main topic of this conference, in which the UN permanent coordinators and representatives of national employers’ organizations participated.
The private sector seems to have outgrown its former role: contributing to the community – and is ready to actively participate in policy-making and legislation in order to accelerate the progress of society, eradicate poverty, protect the environment and other goals defined by the 2030 Agenda.
Belgrade and the Republic of Serbia Serbia were represented at this conference by Francoise Jacob, United Nations – Serbia Permanent Coordinator and Nataša Pavlović – Bujas, as a representative of the Serbian Association of Employers.
How can employer and business organizations and their company members enhance collaboration with the United Nations to address COVID19 and contribute to the wider implementation of the Agenda 2030.
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