Sustainable enterprises are a principal source of growth, wealth creation and employment, and promoters of innovation and decent work. The development of vibrant, productive and competitive enterprises is, to a large extent, influenced by the environment in which they operate. Getting the enabling environment right is of key importance as enterprises can thrive only in an environment that is conducive to their development and growth.
The Serbian Association of Employers (SAE) with the technical support of the International Labor Organization (ILO) conducted a comprehensive assessment consisting of a national-wide EESE survey of 450 enterprises to identify key constraints for enterprise development in Serbia.
The report contains an assessment of the status-quo of the Serbian business environment and captures the perception of enterprises on major developmental obstacles, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the business sector, across six core issues affecting enterprises, which are:
- Good governance
- Social dialogue
- Enabling legal and regulatory framework
- Fair competition
- Access to finance
- Skills, education and lifelong learning
It synthetizes the key findings of the SAE EESE survey conducted before the pandemic and incorporates additional up-to-date qualitative inputs from enterprises and economic experts with regard to enabling business environment.
Full publication may be downloaded through here