The Serbian Association of Employers and Rotary District 2483 announced a closer, more active and meaningful cooperation between these two organizations, with the common goal of improving business conditions and contributing to local community development. At the conference held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belgrade, the representatives of both parties were unanimous in their assessment that there is a great deal of room for synergy between the Association and the Rotary community and announced the first joint steps.
“One should be remembered that the Serbian Association of Employers is the only representative organization of employers and, as such, the only one that has the right to participate in the work of certain institutions, such as the Social and Economic Council, Retirement fund, National Employment Service and others. That is one of the reasons that I see a great space for the synergy of our two organizations, with which we can improve the performance of each of our subjects, companies, but also the economy of Serbia, that is, our community as a whole”, said the President of the Association, Miloš Nenezić.
“Rotary community is most often associated with humanitarian work, even though we operate in seven areas, one of which – very important – is local economic development. Without support for small and local businesses, there would be no our other activities,” said Nikola Božić, governor of Rotary District 2483 for Serbia and Montenegro. “Rotary is ready to make itself available, with its contacts and position, and that means 66 Rotary clubs in Serbia and Montenegro, that is, 1.4 million members that organizations have around the world.”
“We took the first step last year, by signing the Memorandum on the Cooperation of our organizations. The second step is today’s conference by which we deepen that cooperation. The third step is ahead of us and it is the most important, to form concrete projects and achieve concrete results with them, which will be felt by our members and the local communities in which we work“, said Aleksandar Radojčić, the future governor of Rotary District 2483.
Presenting opportunities for cooperation, Andreja Brkić, President of the Association’s Executive Board, emphasized the opportunity to make significant progress for everyone. He presented the potential of the Association, but also the potential of joint work of the Association and Rotary.
“Rotary has a developed network of clubs and we know from previous cooperation that they show significant activism. These are not people who sit idly by, but those who want to do something and make a change. That is where I see room for the development of joint projects, where we can form local social and economic councils and work directly on improving the conditions for doing business in those communities,” said Brkić.
“The strength of the Rotary community is at the local level and not only in one local self-government, but in connecting local communities, and the possibility of spreading a project that has taken root in one area and shown potential to other areas without difficulty,” said Duško Marjanović, president of the Rotary District Committee for Local Economic Development. “Rotary members get the opportunity to raise topics from the local governments to the level of the Republic of Serbia, while on the other hand Rotary offers its international connections and the opportunity to quickly promote and apply good experiences from the world, from the EU, from other global organizations.“
The Serbian Association of Employers is a representative organization of employers and participates in social dialogue with trade unions and the government. In this role, the Association negotiates on issues important for doing business of the entire Serbian economy. It is authorized to launch official initiatives to change legal and other regulations, as well as to represent employers in international organizations.
Rotary District 2483 for Serbia and Montenegro is dedicated to humanitarian work, but also to the development of the local community. It draws great strength from the large number of clubs in both countries and the exceptional potential of the organization that it has at the local level.
Unija poslodavaca je reprezentativna organizacija poslodavaca i učestvuje u socijalnom dijalogu sa sindikatima i državom. U toj ulozi, Unija pregovara o pitanjima značajnim za poslovanje celokupne srpske privrede. Ovlašćena je za pokretanje zvaničnih inicijativa za izmenu zakonskih i drugih propisa, kao i za zastupanje poslodavaca u međunarodnim organizacijama.
Rotary District 2483 za Srbiju i Crnu Goru posvećen je humanitarnom radu, ali I razvoju lokalne zajednice. Veliku snagu crpi iz velikog broja klubova u obe zemlje i izuzetnog potencijala organizacije koju ima na lokalnom nivou.

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