Na sednici je razmatrana aktuelna situacija, definisani prioriteti i usaglašene ključne aktivnosti za naredni period.
Continue readingSerbian Association of Employers visits primary schools
The students of the seventh and eighth grades were involved in discussion, along with the participation of entrepreneurs as representatives of the economy, about the choice of occupation, difference between occupation and career, practical application of theoretical knowledge acquired during schooling and concept of lifelong learning.
Continue readingUnija poslodavaca Srbije u poseti osnovnim školama
Sa učenicima sedmih i osmih razreda, uz učešće preduzetnika kao predstavnika privrede, razgovaralo se o izboru zanimanja, razlici između zanimanja i karijere, praktičnoj primeni teoretskog znanja stečenog tokom školovanja, konceptu celoživotnog učenja.
Continue readingThe final conference of the project “Education for Sustainable Development”
Discussion on the legal framework of career guidance in Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, process challenges, and proposals for positive changes
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